Friday, April 23, 2010

Typical Friday

Fridays here at our house are pretty laid back.  We usually don't go anywhere as it is my day to catch up from the week and get ready for the weekend.  I clean the house, do lots of laundry, and plan the meals for the weekend.

Baxter just hung around in the kitchen and kept me company.  So, when I started to make some homemade yogurt Baxter asked to help too.

Making yogurt is really simple.  First you heat 1 litter of milk to a low boil then let it cool to about 110F.  While it is heating you can add 1/3 cup powdered milk (helps make the yogurt nice and thick) and 1/2 cup sugar if you are making a sweet flavored yogurt.  Once the milk is at 110F you add the cultered yogurt starter (I use either a powdered starter or several tablespoons from my last batch of yogurt).  The last thing I add is any flavoring I want.  Today I made vanilla yogurt so I added a teaspoon of vanilla extract.  The milk mixture is then poured through a mesh strainer to remove any lumps. 

Finally it is poured into individual jars and placed into our yogurt maker to set for 8 hours.  So, later tonight I will put them in the fridge to cool and they will be ready to eat in the morning.

Baxter also helped me out with one of my daily chores... washing our farm fresh eggs and putting them in cartons for sale.  Our chickens lay many different colored eggs, including beige, light brown, dark brown, speckled, green and blue eggs.  We sell them for $2 a dozen when people stop by the farm.

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